Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Claire – In Her Own Words

We made this video yesterday.  My favorite part of the video is the very end.  My girl is just so precious!

Angerina Ballerina

Claire loves Angelina Ballerina, but she calls her Angerina Ballerina.  I guess she thinks it rhymes better.  Silly girl!  Today she got an Angelina DVD!  She gets to watch it in the car on the way to our destination!041

She was so excited this morning!  She can’t wait to watch it!002


Good morning!016

We had to watch it right away!021


I love this girl to bits!

Monday, May 20, 2013

She’s Got Mail!

Claire LOVES getting mail!  Today she got a card from Grandpa and Grandma Osterholm!011



I just couldn’t resist this series of pictures since they all led up to this face:016

What was all the fuss you about you ask?  Hello Kitty puffy stickers!017

Grandpa and Grandma Osterholm sent Claire a Hello Kitty card, which included Hello Kitty puffy stickers, some “Claire” stickers and some money to go shopping (which, of course, we did)!  Claire LOVES the stickers!!!022


Claire wanted to go to Toys R Us to shop today, so we did.  She headed straight for the Peppa Pig aisle.  (You’ll notice Peppa Pig on the TV in the pictures above.  Peppa Pig is Claire’s favorite show.)photo (20)

Please?  Please!  Please?!  Can we get her?!photo (21)

Turns out that Claire had just enough money (with a tiny bit left over) to get Peppa!  So we brought her home with us!026

Claire is in love!029


Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma O!  You made her day!036

A New… Backpack!

The title of this post should be read in your best  Rod Roddy voice.  (He was the announcer on “The Price Is Right.”)





Claire, like most girls, loves purses and bags and backpacks.  She was elated about today’s gift!

And she’ll get to use it tomorrow, as we’re departing tomorrow morning for Claire’s birthday trip.  We won’t be back until Thursday, so there will be no blog updates for a couple of days.  But when we get back, there will be posts from our trip!  So excited to be celebrating another birthday with our sweet girl!  I can’t hardly believe that she’s almost four!  What an incredibly, amazingly, wonderfully fabulous journey this has been!  And it’s only just beginning!!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ken’s Girlfriend

Today Claire got Ken’s girlfriend - Barbie.  She’s also wearing a swimsuit which means that she and Ken can swim in the bathtub!  And this Barbie has pink streaks in her hair!  (She reminds us of Aunt Kalei.)  Such fun!049


Claire wore her Minnie Mouse dress that Grandma and Grandpa gave her to church this morning.  I found the flip flops on clearance at The Disney Store.  What a doll!006

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Shopping Trip and a Show

Claire had a big day today.  We started with a shopping trip, which included a visit to the toy aisles so Claire could shop with her birthday money that she received from Granny and Grandpa Wines.  She knew exactly what she wanted – a new commuter.  (No, that was not a typo.  Claire calls her new computer a “commuter.”)photo (19)


She LOVES it!028


Thanks again, Granny and Grandpa!  Our girl loves, loves, loves her new commuter!  She was so excited to be able to get it!

This evening, Analise, Claire’s cousin and best friend, performed in her dance recital.  Claire’s daddy and I were busy and unable to attend, so Claire went to the recital with PopPop and MiMi.  She had a great time.  Here are my girls after the recital.IMG_8872

I sure do love these two!  How blessed we are!


Today Claire received a Ken doll.  Until now, she did not have any “prince” dolls, just “princess” dolls.017

She wasn’t quite sure if she wanted a “boy” doll.  She had to check out the package.022

I think she has finally approved him.  We will have to wait and see if he gets to join in with the Barbies this week.


Claire loves Olivia!

On Friday, Claire got a set of Olivia books.004



She made her Daddy sit down and read her all six books right away!  Love my girl!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Gift from Granny and Grandpa

Claire got mail!  She’s so excited!028






Thank you, Granny and Grandpa Wines!  Claire can’t wait to go shopping!!

It’s the Simple Things

For all of the expensive gifts we give our children, I am still amazed and impressed with the idea that they are just as happy and thankful when we give them simple, inexpensive gifts.  Today Claire got a giant pencil with a giant pencil sharpener.  It made her day!003




Wednesday, May 15, 2013

“She loves me!”

Today Claire got a new Barbie.  There were hearts all over the box which, according to Claire, “The hearts on her box mean she loves me!”  Yes, Baby, that is exactly what that means!  Barbie loves you, and so do I!  So very much!!005