Monday, February 23, 2009

Baby McNorton?!

When I was working full-time, I had a co-worker who used to call me Mrs. McNorton all of the time. This stemmed from the fact that he knew me prior to my marrying Steve and would start to address me as Miss McComber and then remember that I was married to Mr. Norton. The name Mrs. McNorton stuck.

When this same friend found out that I was having a baby, he was so excited that I was having a "Baby McNorton." :) I think this is hilarious. But then today, I read this article: People are actually coming up with alternative last names for their children. Hmm...

So what do you say, Babe? Claire Elise McNorton? :)

Let's take a blog poll - just for fun! What should Claire's last name be?


  1. Nortonber?

    Yeah, better stick with Norton!


  2. Depends on what you want her to be when she grows up. ?? For example, if you want her to be:

    A Nascar driver, then go with another first name as a last name, such as Bobby, or Ryan, or Norton.

    If you want her to be rich, then go with a "son" or "ton" ending, such as Henderson, or Howerton, or Norton.

    If you want her to be ridiculed throughout her youth, thus creating an overly extroverted adult to compensate, then go with a name that rhymes with something, such as Rampoo, Nitsidiski, or McComber.

    Personally, I would come up with something completely original. I am quite fond of Gribble, but don't steal it. Randi and I already claim it.

  3. Did he just say "Gribble"? Seriously, Gribble is a character from King of the Hill!!

    A gribble is a marine isopod. A marine termite if you will....

  4. Claire will definitely be a Norton. :)

    But I love the names that Shannon came up with. Too funny!

    And Matt, you are hilarious! And no worries - Gribble is all yours.
