Saturday, May 23, 2009

Some Pics

I (Steve) have temporarily hijacked Claire's blog, as her Mommy is a bit busy, with the feeding, soothing, and sleeping. Claire is doing really well. We are working on teaching her that the world is a quiet place, and it's okay that she doesn't hear her Mom's heartbeat 24/7. We've got a ways to go, but baby steps (pun intended). Sorry we didn't post any pictures yesterday, we were a bit tired. Amy and I went to bed at about 11:00 p.m., Amy got up with Claire at 11:00:15 p.m., and I passed out. I couldn't tell you what else transpired in the night, but I do know that this morning Amy was exhausted, so I sent her to bed and took over.

Claire seems to fall asleep at precisely the time she is suppose to eat. So we spend about 15 minutes getting her mad at us so she will enjoy a snack, then about 45 minutes trying to keep her eating. After that she is inevitably hot or cold, and likely needs her diaper changed (yes I have participated in this activity, in fact I am proud to announce I performed Claire's first diaper change). Then for the next two hours she resists the urge to sleep until about thirty minutes before her next feeding; then she falls hard asleep and we start over.

The lactation specialist had told us to be sure Claire eats every three hours. The more realistic midwives told us every 2-4 hours. We are occasionally going to the 4 hour mark just so Amy and Claire can have a little rest. Enough about the details, how about some pictures?

Shortly after birth
Holding her Mommy
No girl likes a scale

Yes that does say 9lb 6oz in the bottom right

Still furious from the weigh in
Midwife Polly

Time to document the Lassie
Amy even thought to bring the baby book

They have a tradition at Reunion, footprints on the wall

Me practicing my pro-dressing abilities

Shame on us for bringing a newborn outfit, she didn't exactly fit, a smidge short. She didn't mind going home with her legs scrunched up

Midwife Janet

Home at last in the recently discontinued Boppy Bouncer

Amy and Baby asleep


  1. How stinking sweet is my niece!! Of course, Amy remembered the baby book. I would expect nothing less. TOO SWEET!!!


  2. YAY for pictures!!! I loved that wall full of baby footprints -- how cute is that?! Here's wishing you many days full of love, snuggles, and SLEEP! ;)

  3. Oh, how we love her!!! We want to see, smell, touch...
    She is so precious!! We look forward to hearing more and more about her.

  4. Such a blessing. Thank you God! great job Amy All my love and sobriety, Robin (Grandma) or whatever Claire would like to call me

  5. Claire is so adorable. Congratulations!

    Ellen Buchanan
