Saturday, December 12, 2009


Claire is changing so much so quickly these days. She babbles almost non-stop and has started saying "Da-Da." She has also become extremely mobile. She "crawls" now. Her form isn't quite perfected just yet, but she can manage to get from point A to point B moving foward on her hands and knees fairly quickly, especially if there's a remote, a cell phone or one of Maggie's toys in her sight. She's keeping me very busy these days, and I wouldn't change a second of it!

Claire has been discovering her toys for quite some time, but now she actually plays with them. Here are some pics of her enjoying a few of her favorites.

her photo book with pics of family
looking at Mommy and Daddystaring at Grandpa and Grandma
Claire loves her dolly. Steven and I have taken the liberty of naming her. We call her Phoebe.
my happy girl
the playmat is still a favorite and don't forget about the chime garden
Blocks rock!
We don't let Claire watch TV. However, I grew up watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas, so I thought it would be fun to share it with her. It's only 15 minutes long. She LOVED it! The simple graphics, the rhyming and the singing were perfect for capturing her attention. A tradition has been passed on.

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