Saturday, April 28, 2012

Just Two More Days!!

There are just two more days left in April, and then the birthday month begins!!  Wahoo!

This week holds some very exciting events for our family!  I can hardly wait!  Until then, here are a few more funny things my girl has been saying lately.

Anytime that things go her way, she says, “My dreams come true!”  (This line comes from her Cinderella book.)  I love that it is so easy to make her dreams come true!  This line will pop up from something as easy as getting to wear one of her favorite dresses or eating tacos.  She really knows how to melt my heart!

“Oh!  I get it.”  - her response to having learned something new.

She is fascinated with relationships these days.  She has figured out that MiMi is my mom and that PopPop is my dad.  When we FaceTime with them, she now says, “Mommy, there’s your mom and dad.”  She is also trying to figure out sibling relationships and has decided to start with MiMi and Aunt Fran.  It cracks me up when we’re driving somewhere and out of nowhere she pipes up from the backseat with, “Mommy, who is your mom’s brother?”  I explain that my mom has no brothers, but she has a sister.  “Who?”  I explain that Aunt Fran is MiMi’s sister.  “Oh!  I get it.”

The most difficult thing Steve and I have encountered while parenting is discipline.  Claire has such a sensitive spirit, and up until recently could be disciplined with our words or, in extreme cases, time out.  However, lately, she has started tuning us out.  So Steve and I made some absolute rules.  If you do ____, you get a spanking.  She has been spanked a couple of times for said infraction.  However, the other day when she did ____, Steve gave her a swat on the hiney.  Rather than cry, she just looked at him and calmly asked, “Was that a spanking?”  Clearly we are going to have to come up with something else that works for her.

Earlier this week Claire came up to me and said, “Mommy, we match.”  I looked at her, and I looked at what I was wearing.  We did not match at all.  I asked, “We do?”  She said, “Yes.  We both have a face.”  Yep, I guess we do match after all.

Everyday when Steve gets home from work, she asks, “So… how’s your day?”  He will answer her and then ask her about her day.  Her response is always, “My day is good!”

Almost as soon as we get into the car, Claire has started asking, “Are we there yet?”  I blame Ian on the show Olivia.  In one episode, he did this, and his parents laughed and said that they hadn’t even left the driveway yet.  Claire thought it was funny and asks me that dreadful question almost every time that we get into the car.

The last time MiMi and PopPop were here, we took Claire to The Disney Store for the special showing of “Tangled Ever After.”  On the way home, Claire wanted to play princess in the car.  She announced, “I’ll be the princess.  Daddy, you be the prince.  PopPop, you be the horse!”

Claire loves to entertain.  She will do or say almost anything for a laugh and will repeat it for as many laughs as she can get.  If she doesn’t get an immediate laugh, she asks, “Is that funny?”  If you say yes, she’ll do it again.  I love my silly girl!

And my favorite story is also one of my least favorite stories of the week.  Steve was out of town working, and I had put Claire to bed and was feeding Cale.  I heard Claire cry and waited for her to come get me.  (Occasionally she will have a bad dream and wake up upset.  I assumed this was the case.)  When she rounded the corner, she was shaking all over and couldn’t catch her breath.  I asked what was wrong, but she couldn’t tell me.  I set Cale down and picked her up.  She said her head hurt and then started vomiting.  Once I got her calmed down, she told me that she had fallen out of bed and had hit her head on the bed rail.  I was very upset and decided to keep her up to make sure that she didn’t have a concussion.  I gave her some Advil and an ice pack to help with the headache, and then I covered her with a blanket and laid her on the couch while I put Cale to bed.  When I came back, I heard her praying, “Thank you, God, for Mommy and Daddy and Cale and for making me all better.”  I walked over and kissed her forehead.  I asked her if she needed anything.  She said, “No thanks, Mommy.  I’m all better, in Jesus’ Name!”  Wow!  She makes my heart happy!  I am so glad that my daughter knows to pray when she doesn’t feel well and that she takes God at His Word and believes that she receives when she prays!  (It turns out that falling out of bed had just scared her.  When Claire gets upset, she can work herself into a real frenzy.  It’s not the first time that she’s thrown up when she’s upset, but it’s the first time that she’s been upset from an “injury” and thrown up, which scared the pink willies out of me.  She spent the night in my bed, and all was well in the morning.)

Claire loves to have her picture taken.  We can be anywhere doing anything, and Claire will ask to have her picture taken.  Today, we went out to lunch.  There was a fountain in front of the restaurant, and Claire walked over to it and said, “Take my picture!”  I dutifully grabbed my phone and took the princess’

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post! I'm so amazed at her language and reasoning skills and I am so glad you are writing these gems down and sharing them with us.
    This is a darling picture of Claire. Was this before or after she enjoyed a nice Chinese lunch?
    I'll probably never like Chinese food, but PopPop and I really had a wonderful time that day we went there with you.
    Being MiMi and PopPop is so much fun!!
