Friday, October 25, 2013

Oh Happy Day!!!

My sweet daughter asked Jesus to live in her heart and change her!  On Friday, September 20, 2013, in the basement of our house, I was talking to our kids about how Jesus can live in our hearts if we ask Him to.  I explained that when Jesus lives in our hearts, He forgives us when we mess up and helps us to do better next time.  Claire asked me if she could pray “right now.”  I said, “Of course, Baby!”  She knelt next to me on the floor, folded her hands and closed her eyes.  Then she prayed the simplest and sweetest prayer I’ve ever heard, “Jesus, I want to be a good girl.  Please come live in my heart.  Help me not to be bad or do naughty things.  Forgive me.  Help me to be good.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

It is such a blessing to have witnessed this sweet, heartfelt prayer.  It is such a joy to know that my daughter has chosen to follow God!

Now when you ask Claire where Jesus lives, instead of saying “up above the clouds in Heaven,” she says “in my heart!”

Oh Happy Day!!!

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