Monday, November 30, 2009

Six-Month Update

Claire had her six-month check-up this morning. Before her appt, Steve guessed her weight at 17.5 lbs. He was a little off. She is actually 15 lbs 3.5 oz and is 26" long. As I mentioned last month, neither Steve nor I know how to measure her correctly. Either that, or once again, she's shrunk. LOL

Claire is starting to outgrow her 3-6 month clothes - mostly the pants. (More proof that she hasn't shrunk; she just has parents who know nothing of measurements.) Six month sizes fit her perfectly. Some of her 6-9 month clothes fit; but 9 month clothes are still too big. So apparently she's right on for sizing.

This month she has eaten rice, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, applesauce, peaches, pears and bananas. So far she loves everything we feed her. Pears and carrots are her favorite. This month she will begin eating meats. We'll keep you posted on that progress. She started drinking water out of a sippy cup today. (The bottles we bought have sippy cup tops that can be swapped out for the bottle nipples, so the change is easy for her.) She now holds her own bottle/cup; and she loves the water.

She is trying very hard to crawl. She can actually move forward by stretching her arms out as far as they will go and then moving her knees forward one at a time like she would when crawling. As soon as she can figure out how to get her arms in sync, she'll take off. She rolls all over the place and can move backward easily too.

We think she may be teething, but nothing is even close enough to the surface to feel yet.

Claire loves her toys. Her current favorites are her Minnie Mouse lovey, her soft blocks, her photo album with pictures of her family and a clicky toy. She is also starting to play with her ball. In fact, she went after Maggie's ball yesterday; and I had to take it away from her. Fortunately Maggie didn't seem bothered. In fact, she laid her ball next to Claire's hand today for her to throw it. Perhaps they will be friends after all.

Claire is happy and healthy and beautiful! We are so very blessed to be her parents. We are having the time of our lives!

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