Monday, May 4, 2009

So Ready!

While in my doctor's office last week, she asked how I was feeling. I told her that I felt great. She was pleasantly surprised. She said that usually at this stage in the game most mommies are ready for this whole thing to be over. (She, of course, is quite familiar with the diagnosis I received last year and the miracle that this baby is.) She commented that perhaps I have enjoyed this experience more than most simply because I was told that I would never have this. She wasn't saying this to be insensitive to other mommies, but she wanted me to know that she understood where I was coming from. (She also had infertility issues and ended up adopting her now 14-year-old daughter.)

In thinking about what she said, I think there's some truth to that. Indeed, I have appreciated the kicks and hiccups and movements in my belly, even if they sometimes keep me up at night. Each little movement means that God gave me something that someone else told me I would never have.

As I've mentioned before, this entire pregnancy - from conception through duration - has been supernatural. I haven't had any problems or unbearable discomforts or wierd symptoms. I have slept well. I have had energy to do the things I want to do. I have been extremely happy and not moody. And my relationship with my husband is better than ever. God has been so good to us!

And now that I am just 11 days away from Claire's due date, I can honestly say that I am ready. I'm not ready for pregnancy to simply be over. I'm not uncomfortable or miserable. I am just so excited to be Claire's mommy, and I can't wait to meet her. I can't wait to see her in her daddy's arms being loved and cared for by him. I can't wait to see her sleeping in her crib. I can't wait to smell her sweet baby scent. I'm getting so excited! I am so ready!

And all of this because God is the kindest person I know!


  1. I LOVED reading this post. Absolutely loved it. I'm so happy for the two (er, three) of you and can't wait to hear the exciting news that she is finally here!
